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Community: The heartbeat of the dental hygiene profession

Sept. 26, 2024
A strong, uplifting community of likeminded professionals is key for career growth in any field—especially the dental industry.

Imagine a room filled with dental hygienists from diverse backgrounds, each with their own unique story and perspective. But what do they have in common? Shared experiences, common challenges, and the unwavering passion for preventive health care.

Community, in its essence, is the glue that holds this profession together. Beyond the clinical skills and patient interactions, the sense of belonging and mutual support is what truly elevates one's profession. As a relatively new graduate and member of the RDH Community Connection, I've witnessed how these connections can transform careers, foster happiness, and drive collective change!

Unity: Power in numbers

I like to think the dental hygiene profession thrives on collaboration. When dental hygienists join forces, they create a powerful network that drives innovation, improves patient care, and advances the standards of the profession. Being part of a community of like-minded professionals fosters a culture of continuous learning. Conferences, workshops, and local association meetings are not just about gaining CE credits; they are about sharing experiences, knowledge, and collectively raising the bar for the profession.

Career happiness and personal fulfillment

Let's face it: our job can sometimes be isolating. Long hours, demanding patients, unreasonable coworkers, or the meticulous nature of the work can sometimes lead to burnout. But having a strong sense of community can be game-changing. When you know you're not alone, the challenges become more manageable. Your peers are there to offer you support, encouragement, and humor to lighten the mood. This camaraderie contributes to a sense of belonging, which can make you feel both happier and more satisfied on the job.

 However, not all hygienists have a colleague in their practice to build a rapport with. Some work alone-and creating or finding a local community can be challenging. However, online resources like RDH magazine and conferences like RDH Under One Roof offer invaluable opportunities to connect, learn, and grow. These platforms ensure that no matter where you are, you have access to a vibrant and supportive community.

Power in numbers: Advocacy and change

Strong, professional communities have the ability to facilitate change. As individuals, our voices may be small, but together, we are truly formidable. Through associations, such as the ADHA, we have been able to fight for legislative changes, expand our scope of practice, and promote public health initiatives. When we unite, we can influence policy, improve working conditions, and help the profession evolve, which benefits both clinicians and patients.

New grad and diversity: Our voices matter

As a new graduate, stepping into the dental world was both exciting and daunting. Within the last four years, my career has expanded in unimaginable ways. I've gained invaluable insight, friendships, and opportunities that contribute to the profession's growth (as well as my own). In part, my success stems from my passion for preventive health care and the community of mentors that support me. This experience has highlighted the importance of embracing diversity within our community.

I'll be the first to acknowledge that I'm not the face one imagines when they think of a dental hygienist, but our profession yearns for diversity. Provocatively, it is crucial to connect with patients on an empathic level. Embracing professionals from different backgrounds can help the profession address unique needs of a truly diverse patient population. I'm so thankful for the diversity of leadership that is steadily growing to better represent what the dental space looks like on a broader scale. When we support one another and celebrate our differences, we strengthen the fabric of our community.


In dentistry, the importance of community simply cannot be overstated. It is through unity that we elevate our field, find personal fulfillment, and drive meaningful change. As ethical, empathic, amazing dental hygienists, we must continue to build and nurture connections, ensuring that our community remains strong, supportive, and inclusive. Together, let's continue to create a future where every dental hygienist feels valued, every voice is heard, and every patient receives the highest standard of care

About the Author

Kevin Ohashi Lopez, MHA, BSDH, RDH

Kevin Ohashi Lopez, MHA, BSDH, RDH, is a San Francisco-based dental hygienist. He graduated from West Coast University in 2019 and obtained a master's in health administration. Currently practicing in Napa Valley, Kevin brings diverse dental experience, with both front- and back-office expertise. He is a speaker, ambassador, mentor, Guided Biofilm Therapy trainer with the Swiss Dental Academy, and NBDHE review faculty with Sanders Board Preparatory. Connect with him on Instagram @kevstalksteeth or via email at [email protected].