Traditionally, salary and benefits articles printed in trade publications are the most well-read and requested articles. For the survey to be successful, however, we need your participation.
To participate in the 1997 survey, simply fill in the blank or circle the appropriate response for each question on pages 23 and 24. Tear this page out of the magazine and mail or fax your answers to us. If you mail it, the address is: RDH, P.O. Box 3306, Tulsa, OK 74101. To fax, dial (918) 831-9804.
If you fax your answers to us, please discard it afterwards and do not also mail your answers to RDH. In addition, make sure both sides are faxed.
Please return the survey by June 13, 1997. And thanks for participating. The results will be published in the October 1997 issue.
1.) In what state do you practice? __________________
2.) Gender:
[1] Female
[2] Male
3.) In what age group do you belong?
[1] under 25
[2] 26-30
[3] 31-35
[4] 36-40
[5] 41-45
[6] 46-50
[7] older than 50
4.) How many years have you been a licensed hygienist?
[1] 1-5 years
[2] 6-10 years
[3] 11-15 years
[4] 16-20 years
[5] 21-25 years
[6] more than 25 years
5.) Of which professional dental associations are you a member?
[1] American Dental Hygienists` Association (including state society)
[2] American Dental Association (auxiliary membership)
[3] I`m a former ADHA member
[4] I have never belonged to an association
[5] Other (no abbreviations, please; spell out name)
6.) Are earnings as a clinical dental hygienist your sole source of income?
[1] Yes
[2] No
7.) Do you view yourself as working:
[1] part-time
[2] full-time
8.) In how many dental practices do you work?
[1] One
[2] Two
[3] Three
[4] Four or more
9.) How would you describe your employer?
[1] General dentist
[2] Government/public health
[3] Specialist
[4] I am a self-employed hygienist
10.) How would you describe the area where you work?
[1] Rural
[2] Suburban
[3] Urban
11.) How many hygienists work in the dental practice(s) that employs you?
[1] Just yourself
[2] One other part-time or full-time hygienist
[3] Two other part-time or full time hygienists
[4] Three to five hygienists
[5] More than five hygienists
12.) Does a dental assistant help you treat hygiene patients?
[1] Never
[2] Occasionally
[3] Only to record probing scores
[4] Full-time
13.) Approximately how many hours a week do you personally practice?
[1] Under 11 hours
[2] 11-15 hours
[3] 16-20 hours
[4] 21-25 hours
[5] 26-30 hours
[6] 31-35 hours
[7] 36-40 hours
[8] More than 40 hours
14.) What is the average number of patients you treat each day?
[1] Five or less
[2] 6
[3] 7
[4] 8
[5] 9
[6] 10
[7] 11
[8] 12
[9] 13 or more
15.) What do you estimate your current annual income as a dental hygienist will be in 1997?
16.) Does your employer pay you by (please write in rate, salary, or percent of production in the appropriate blank at the right side of column):
[1] Hourly rate $_________
[2] Daily rate $_________
[3] Fixed annual salary $_________
[4] Commission ________%
[5] Hourly or daily, plus commision $_________ per hour/day plus ________%
17.) Are you generally satisfied with the income you earn as a dental hygienist?
[1] Yes
[2] No
18.) How many weeks of paid vacation do you receive each year?
[1] None
[2] 1 week
[3] 2 weeks
[4] 3 weeks
[5] 4 weeks or more
19.) How many paid holidays do you receive each year?
[1] None
[2] one or two holidays
[3] 3-7 holidays
[4] more than 7 holidays
20.) In terms of health insurance, are you and your dependents covered by:
[1] An employer-provided managed-care plan
[2] An employer-provided traditional 80/20 plan (or similar deductible, including 70/30)
[3] Not covered by any plan (skip ahead to question #22)
[4] Covered by other family member`s plan, such as a spouse`s benefits (Note: Check this response only if your employer offers a plan, but you prefer coverage under another family member`s plan; if your employer does not offer health insurance benefits, please circle #3.)
[5] Other ______________________________________
21.) Do your employer-provided medical benefits cover dependents?
[1] Yes
[2] No
22.) What portion of licensure renewal and continuing education does your employer pay for? (check all that apply)
[1] Pays some fees associated with licensure renewal
[2] Pays all fees associated with licensure renewal
[3] Pays for some continuing-education courses I take
[4] Pays for all continuing-education courses I take
[5] Pays for some travel expenses to continuing-education courses
[6] Pays for all travel expenses to continuing-eduation courses
[7] Does not pay for any expenses related to continuing education or relicensure
23.) Does your employer provide a:
[1] Pension plan
[2] 401(k) program
[3] Profit-sharing program
24.) Are you generally satisfied with the employer benefits you receive as a dental hygienist?
[1] Yes
[2] No
If you answered "yes" to question #6, please stop answering questions on this survey. Return the survey to RDH through one of the options listed at the bottom of the page.
25.) Are you a licensed hygienist who works in another field? If so, in what field:
[1] Part-time dental eduation
[2] Full-time dental education
[3] Part-time employee for a dental manufacturer
[4] Full-time employee for a dental manufacturer
[5] Nondental occupation
26.) Do you currently practice clinical dental hgyiene at all?
[1] Yes
[2] No
27.) If you answered "yes," are you:
[1] a practicing hygienist currently in transition to another career
[2] working dual careers out of financial necessity
[3] practicing part-time out of personal desire
28.) If you answered "no" to question "26," did you "retire" from clinical dental hygiene because of (check all that apply):
[1] Occupational injury
[2] Burnout
[3] Other opportunities were too enticing to pass up
[4] Financial necessity
[5] Problems obtaining licensure
[6] Parenting duties
[7] Unhappy with dental employer
[8] Issues involving cross-contamination of diseases
[9] None of the above
29.) What is your current annual income from your "other" occupation?
Return this survey to RDH by:
_ Mailing it to: RDH Salary Survey, P.O. Box 3306, Tulsa, OK 74101 - or -
_ Faxing it to: (918) 831-9804
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Survey results will be published in the October 1997 issue.