Dear RDH:
In reference to the article by Dr. Robert Horseman (September 1998 RDH), as a Christian, I was offended and, as a dental hygienist, annoyed at the waste of good magazine space.
If he is going to put God down, he should at least get his facts straight. Adam and Eve were the only perfect humans ever created - not prototypes for future models. They had perfect mouths with 32 perfect teeth, designed to chew fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and seed (Gen 1:29), not meat.
Due to the original sin as he called it, Adam and Eve`s descendants were not as perfect as they were. After thousands of years of sin, neither are we prefect or our mouths. We are the ones who now eat Boston Cream pies and mashed potatoes. This was never in God`s plans; he doesn`t change (Mal 3:6). Pick up any newspaper today and look at all of the disease and hardship we bring upon ourselves.
He also mentions anthropologists and Paleolithic man. Which does he believe in - creation or evolution? You can`t have it both ways! I personally find it easier to believe in an all encompassing creator than a primordial soup slop accident.
Most children I have talked to say the Tooth Fairy gives them between 25 cents and up to $5 dollars per tooth; that comes to $5 - $100 a month. Yale must be a pretty cheap college!
I have enjoyed RDH magazine for several years and appreciate the many benefits it gives. This article unfortunately was not up to your usual standards and really serves no purpose since we are the way we are and wishful thinking won`t get us anywhere.
I get the feeling Dr. Horseman didn`t think this topic through; maybe next time?
Kelly Wilson, RDH
Walla Walla, Washington