Phyllis Jackson, RDH, has been a practicing hygienist for five years in the suburban Chicago area. Her work experience in dentistry includes four years as a dental assistant, and she currently manages the placement agency Dentistry On Call. Jackson has a bachelor of science degree from Loyola University. In the photograph above, she is rendering volunteer treatment at St. Basil`s Clinic, which is on the south side of Chicago. The clinic, located in the basement of a church rectory, offers free medical and dental care to more than 3,000 patients - the working poor, unemployed, and the elderly in the low-income area. Jackson is one of five hygienists to volunteer their services. "Treatment at St. Basil`s is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so they line up early to receive care. They wait very patiently, and they realize the value of St. Basil. I really encourage dental professionals to give of their time and expertise." Of her career, she says, "I love serving the public. It is very rewarding to help motivate patients to better health."