Dear RDH:
The 8th annual International Oral and Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week, sponsored by the Yul Brynner Head and Neck Cancer Foundation (YBF), is scheduled this year for April 11-17. The week is highlighted by a nationwide day of free screenings, which is an excellent opportunity for dental professionals to make an important contribution to the oral health and preventive care of their patients.
By having your practice serve as an official screening site, you and your colleagues would provide a free screening to the public during that week, preferably on Friday, April 15. Additionally, your site would be provided with communications tools (for example, public service announcements, flyers, etc.) to help raise awareness of oral and head and neck cancer in your community and encourage those at risk to attend the free screening day.
As you probably know, oral and head and neck cancers do not receive adequate media coverage and the public is largely unaware of this disease and its risk factors. This can be changed! We ask your participation to provide the leadership necessary to confront this potentially deadly disease with early detection and prevention methods. Of course, you will also receive the satisfaction of the difference you have made in advancing the oral health of your patients and your community.
As in years past, MedImmune Oncology is providing an educational grant to help YBF publicize this year’s awareness week among the local and national media in an effort to drive people across the country to free screenings. If you are interested in participating, please log on to our Web site,, for information on how to join the list of free screening sites.
Thank you for your continued efforts toward the prevention, early detection and successful treatment of head and neck cancer.
Terry A. Day, MD
Charleston, South Carolina
The children on February cover
Dear RDH:
I have had many phone calls, emails, and questions about the children on the cover with me. (February 2005 RDH). They are not my children, but the three children of a friend and co-worker of mine. Their names are Brianna, Keifer, and Keiston Goodtracks-Alires. They are members of the Southern Ute and Navajo tribes. All three children attend the Southern Ute Academy school. They are dressed in their Southern Ute native attire.
I have the privilege of working with them during my programs at the school. They are all three a joy to be around. I consider my work with the school children a blessing and a large part of the enjoyment of my job.
Tammy Honold, RDH, CDHC
Ignacio, Colorado
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