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UMD New Jersey: For more information on the following courses at UMDNJ, call (800) 227-4852.
- Diagnosis and Management of Orofacial Pain and TM Disorders - Through June 19, 1996 on every Wednesday.
- Expanded Dental Functions for Assistants and Hygienists - Oct. to Dec. every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Fifth Annual Weekly Hands-on Program in Implant Prosthodontics: Comprehensive Management of the Restorative Patient - Through June 20, 1996.
Maryland Dental Hygienists` Association: 1995 Annual Session, Oct. 20-22 in Baltimore, Md. For more information on the following courses, contact Educational Designs at (510) 735-3238 or (410) 374-1717.
- Oral Pathology for the Dental Professional.
- Keys to Success for Tissue Management.
- Disease Transmission: Reducing Your Occupational Risk.
- Beyond Dental Hygiene to Periodontal Therapy.
- CPR Level C Recertification.
Education Horizons Inc.: For more information on the following course, contact Education Horizons, P.O. Box 1437, Bethesda, MD 20827; (301) 340-2858.
- Review Courses for Dental Hygiene National Board Examination - Jan. 12-15, 1996, in Rockville, Md.
SUNY Farmingdale: For more information on the following courses, contact Department of Lifelong Learning, Conklin Hall, Room 110, Rouse 110, Farmingdale, NY 11735-1021.
- Redefining Ultrasonic Therapy - Oct. 18.
- Do You Really Have to Take These X-rays - Nov. 1.
- Assertive Training for Health Professionals - Nov. 8.
- Modern Radiographic Techniques: The Paralleling Technique - Nov. 10.
- Women`s Wellness in the `90s - Nov. 17.
Safeskin: "Gloving Management a Hands on Approach." For more information on the course, contact Sue Campano, (800) 462-9993, ext. 163.
- Dec. 7 in New York, N.Y.
72nd Annual Session of the Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists` Association: For more information on the following courses, contact Mildred Wescoe, 859 Nicholas St., Bethlehem, PA 18017.
- Antibacterial Agents in Periodontal Therapy - Nov. 3 at the Allentown Hilton, Allentown, PA.
- Commonly Encountered Oral Mucosal Lesions - Nov. 1 in Allentown.
- Understanding the Phenomenon of Pain: Practice Considerations for the Oral Health Professionals - Nov. 1, Allentown.
- Adapting Oral Healthcare for Medically-compromised clients - Nov. 2, Allentown.
Health Information System: For more information on the following course, contact New York State Registered Provider Company, c/o John Brunetti, MD, or Mrs. Ruth Neiditch, RDH, 14467 Surf Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11224; (718) 645-0957.
- Mandated Training on Bloodborne Pathogens: Seminars held throughout the year.
Thomas Jefferson University: For more information on the following course, contact Joan Gluch Scranton at (215) 635-0128.
- Dental Hygiene National Board Examination Review Course - Jan. 4-7, 1996.
Dental Hygienists of the Sate of New York: For more information on the following session, contact DHASNY, 90 S. Swan St., Albany, NY 12210; (518) 463-2021.
- 75th Anniversary Annual Session - Oct. 20-22 at the Concord Resort Hotel.
Bergen County Dental Hygienists` Association (BCDHA): For more information on the following course, contact Maria Workman, 80 Prospect Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675; (201) 666-0312.
- NY Infection Control Credit and NJ .3 CEU credit - Oct. 26 and Dec. 7 at the Bergen Pines County Hospital, Paramus, NJ.
Concord Dental Seminars: For more information on the following courses, contact Caroline Carson, Concord Dental Seminars, 56 N.E. Village Road, Concord, NH 03301; (603) 225-4146.
- Update: The Top 40 Drugs As Related to Dental Usage - Oct. 21 at Sheraton Plaza - Valley Forge, 1210 First Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406 and Oct. 22 at Harrisburg Marriott, 4650 Lindle Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17111.
- Oral Medicine 1996 - In My Practice - Oct. 27 at Holiday Inn Pittsburg Airport, 1406 Beers Crossing Rd., Corapolis, PA 15108.
Thomas Jefferson University: For more information on the following course, contact Joan Gluch-Scranton (215) 635-0128.
- Dental Hygiene National Board Examination Review Course - Jan. 4-7, 1996 at Valley Forge Hilton, King of Prussia, Pa.
Education Associates Inc.: For more information on the following courses, contact Pam Quinones, Education Associates Inc., 1815 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855; (301) 590-0214.
- Ultrasonics - Sept. 16.
- Instrument Sharpening - Sept. 16.
- Nutrition - Sept. 28.
- Clinical Skills Update - Oct. 7.
- Non-Surgical Perio - Oct. 25.
- Innovations in Periodontal Therapy - Nov. 18.
- Geriatrics - Dec. 2.
- Radiology - Dec. 2.
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OraTec: For more information on the following course, contact Bill Landers, OraTec, 485 Spring Park Place, Suite 600, Herndon, VA 22070; (703) 471-0377.
- Anti-infective Periodontal Therapy - Oct. 11 in Orlando, Fl.
North Carolina Dental Hygienists` Association: For more information on the following session, contact Educational Designs at (510) 735-3238 or (410) 374-1717.
- 1995 Annual Session: Three Days of Continuing Education - Oct. 13-15.
Safeskin: Gloving Management a Hands-on Approach." For more information on the course dates, contact Sue Campano, (800) 462-9993, ext. 163.
- Dec. 14 in New Orleans, La.
Virginia Dental Hygienists` Association: For more information on the following courses, contact Deborah A. Nasteilli, RDH, 311 Ironside Cove, Stafford, VA 22554; (703) 659-9134.
- Comprehensive Treatment of Cleft/Lip Palate- Oct. 21 in Williamsburg, Va.
- Operation Smile International - Oct. 21 in Williamsburg, Va.
Old Dominion University: For more information on the following courses, contact Old Dominion University, School of Dental Hygiene, Continuing Education Office, Norfolk, Va.; (804) 683-4256.
- AIDS and the Dental Team - Nov. 4, 9-12.
- Updates in Pharmacology - Nov. 4, 1-4 p.m.
- Dental Hygiene National Board Review - Jan. 12-14, 1996.
- Enhance Your Practice with Tobacco Intervention - Jan. 13, 1996.
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Lakeland Community College: For more information on this course, contact Cathy Patterson at Lakeland Community College, 7700 Clocktower Drive, Kirkland, OH 44094-5198. (216) 953-7000.
- An Update in Oral Disease for the Dental Team - Oct. 18, in Kirkland, Ohio.
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry: For more information on the following courses, contact Continuing Dental Education, 6-406 Moos Health Sciences Tower, 515 Delaware St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (800) 685-1418.
- What`s New in Medicine? - Oct. 20-21.
- Evaluating the HIV-infected Patient: Clinical Grand Rounds - Oct. 21.
- What`s new in Dental Pharmacotherapy? - Oct. 27.
- CPR Recertification: Class C - Nov. 2.
- Nitrous Oxide Sedation: A Hands-on Program - Nov. 4.
- What`s Really New in Periodontics - Nov. 10.
Delta College: For more information on the following courses, contact Bonnie Wood, Delta College, Dental Continuing Education, University Center, MI at (517) 686-9401.
- Radiographic Pitfalls - Oct. 21.
- Forensic Dentistry - Nov. 4.
- OSHA Update (a.m.) - Nov. 17.
- Patient information and Motivation Skills (p.m.) - Nov. 17.
- Workshop for Delta Dental Insurance - Dec. 1.
The Academy of Dental Therapeutics and the University of Detroit Mercy: For more information on the following self-study courses, contact the Academy of Dental Therapeutics at (800) 203-6936.
- Over-the-counter Products
- Prescription Products.
- Medical Emergencies and Pharmaceuti-cals.
Safeskin: "Gloving Management a Hands-on Approach." For more information on the course, contact Sue Campano, (800) 462-9993, ext. 163.
- Nov. 2 in Chicago.
University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry: For more information on the following courses, contact Patricia Harrington, University of Detroit Mercy, Continuing Dental Education, 8200 W. Outer Drive, No. 69, Detroit, MI 48219; (313) 993-6264.
- Pediatric Dentistry: An Update for the Dental Staff-Oct. 20.
- Ultrasonics for the `90s - Oct. 20.
- Recall and Internal Marketing: Core of Your Practice - Oct. 21.
- Personality Analysis: How to Get Along With Difficult People - Nov. 3
- What Kind of Impression Do You Make? - Nov. 8.
- Are Your Sharpening Techniques Really Sharp? - Nov. 8
- Periodontal Instrumentation - Nov. 10.
- An Overview of AIDS - Dec. 1
- Sexual Harassment: Do You Recognize It When You See It? - Dec. 2
- Allergic Patients and Dental Care Givers: Practical Implications - Dec. 6.
- Management of Tooth Discoloration - Dec. 8
Professional Development Association Inc.: For more information on the following courses, contact Linda Meeuwenberg, PDA Inc., 11743 Pierce Road, Standwood, MI 49346; (616) 972-4489.
- Infection Control in a Regulated Environment - Nov. 11 at the Holiday Inn, Flint, MI, and Dec. 2 at the Holiday Inn, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
- Advanced Instrumentation for Root Debridement (Lecture and Lab) - Dec. 9-10 at the College of Allied Health Sciences Dental Clinics, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Mich.
- Ultrasonic Debridement (Lecture and Lab) - Oct. 20-21 in Big Rapids, Mich.
- Dental Hygiene Review/Refresher Course - Jan. 4-8, 1996 at the Airport Hilton Inn, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Concord Dental Seminars: For more information on the following courses, contact Caroline Carson, Concord Dental Seminars, 56 N.E. Village Road, Concord, NH 03301; (603) 225-4146.
- Oral Medicine 1996 - In My Practice - Oct. 28 at Holiday Inn - North Canton, 4520 Everhard Rd., Canton, OH 44718.
- Soft Tissue Management/Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy - Nov. 3 at the Cleveland Airport Marriott, 4277 W. 150th St., Cleveland, OH 44111 and Soft Tissue Management/Non-Surgical Periodontal The-rapy - Nov. 4 at the Radisson Hotel & Suites, 11 S. Ludlow St., Dayton, OH 45402.
Northwest University Dental School: For more information on the following courses, contact Tanja Walker, program coordinator, Northwestern University Dental School, Division of Continuing Education, 240 E. Huron, HSB 0365, Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 908-5483.
- Branemark Preceptorship Implants - Oct. 95 - Dec. 96.
- Contemporary Periodontics II - Oct. 26-27 and May 16-17.
- Managed Healthcare/Business of Den-tistry - Nov. 3.
- Advanced. Periodontics for GP and Hy-gienist - Nov. 10.
- Bit Mark Case Management & Legal Considerations. - Nov. 16-18.
- Contemporary Periodontics III - Dec. 7-8, Jan. 18-19, 1996, Feb. 29-March. 1, 1996, April 18-19, 1996 and June 6-7, 1996.
- Contemporary Periodontics I - March. 28-29, 1996.
- Branemark Assistant Surgical Procedures. Training. - April 25-27, 1996.
Delta College: For more information on the following courses, contact Bonnie Wood, coordinator, Delta College Dental Continuing Education, Mich.; (517) 686-9401.
- Infection Control Workshop - Feb. 9, 1996.
- Review of Head and Neck Anatomy - March. 8, 1996.
- Clinical Pediatric Update - April 26, 1996.
Greater Cincinnati Oral Health Council: For more information on the following courses, contact the Sue Laupola, Greater Cincinnati Oral Health Council, (513) 621-0248.
- Drug Misuse, Abuse and Addiction: What Dental Professionals Need to Know - Nov. 2 at the Lakeside Lodge, Cincinnati.
- Forensic Dentistry and Child Abuse and Neglect - A Challenge to the Dental Profes-sion - Dec. 7 in Cincinnati.
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University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio: For more information on the following course, contact Gary F. Guest, DDS, UTHSCA at (210) 567-3360.
- James P. Hollers Memorial Lectureship - Oct. 20-21.
Concord Dental Seminars: For more information on the following courses, contact Caroline Carson, Concord Dental Seminars, 56 N.E. Village Road, Concord, NH 03301; (603) 225-4146.
- Soft Tissue Management/Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy - Dec. 8 at the Holiday Inn Select/DFW Airport, 4441 Hwy 114 & Estees Blvd., Irving, TX 75063 and Dec. 9 at the Sheraton Austin Hotel, 500 N. IH35, Austin, TX 78701.
New England
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Connecticut Dental Hygienists` Associa-tion: Nutmeg Conference. For more information on the following Nov. 14-16 courses, contact Carol J. Ondeck, RDH, 137 Brid-geport, CT 06606; (203) 374-8520.
- Ethics a Panel?
- Risk Management - Proceed with Caution.
- Capturing a Quorum - A Look at Membership Marketing.
- Adult Learning - A Paradigm.
- Automatic Toothbrushes: Good Vibra-tions!
- Your Hands - The First Line of Defense.
- In the Dark.
- Your Personal Risk Quotient.
- Planning an Extraordinary and Success-ful Future.
- Process of Production Acceptance.
- Ultrasonics - Shape Up Your Approach.
Professional Learning Services: For more information on the following courses, contact Joyce Ann Turcotte, RDH, M.Ed., 31 Lois Circle, Monroe, CT 06468; (203) 261-2857.
- Hands On Scaling and Sharpening - Oct. 25, 1995 and Mar. 27, 1996.
- Forensic Odontology - Oct. 25.
- Nutrition - Nov. 4.
- Ergonomics - Mar. 27, 1996.
- Caribbean Cruise - April 20-27, 1996.
- Legal Issues for Patient Care - May 15, 1996.
Far West
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Educational Horizons: For more information on the following course, contact Educational Horizons, P.O. Box 1437, Bethesda, MD 20827; (301) 340-2858.
- Review Courses for Dental Hygiene National Board Examination - Dec. 1-3, San Francisco.
Safeskin: "Gloving Management a Hands-on Approach." For more information on the course, contact Sue Campano, (800) 462-9993, ext. 163.
- Nov. 16 in Los Angeles.
Oregon Dental Hygienists` Association: For more information on the following courses, contact Lori Aus, ODHA at (503) 657-5046.
- Self-regulation: A Panel Discussion - Nov. 3.
- Professional Dental Hygiene Services for Elderly Clients - Nov. 3.
Phoenix College: For more information on the following courses, contact Nan Reif, Director, Center for Health Professions, 1202 W. Thomas, Phoenix, AZ 85013; (602) 285-7331.
- Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygien-ist - Oct. 10-Dec. 12.
- Sleep Apnea - Impact on the Dental Patient - Oct. 28.
- Sealants, Clinical Course - Oct. 26, Nov. 2 & 9.
- Infection Diseases - HIV/TB/Hepatitis - Nov. 18.
- WREB Review Courses - Jan. 3-4, 1996.
- Professional Learning Services: For more information on the following course, contact Joyce Ann Turcotte, 31 Lois Circle, Monroe, CT 06468; (203) 261-2857.
- Caribbean Cruise and 12 CEUs in CPR and Pharmacology - April 20-27, 1996.
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