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Want a perfect kiss? Start with oral health

Feb. 8, 2023
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Barbara Tritz asks, what makes a perfect kiss? As an expert in the orofacial-respiratory complex, she thought she'd dive into this fun topic: "There is so much more to know about puckering."

Did you know that a kiss has the ability to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, help relieve cramps, improve your self-esteem, soothe headaches, and improve your immune system? It can also reduce allergies, improve cholesterol, and stimulate salivary flow. A kiss can share good oral bacteria. And fun fact, it burns calories and tightens facial muscles. Kissing sounds like great medicine! 

Here's a fun topic just in time for Valentine's Day—the perfect kiss and why it’s good for your health. Dental hygienists can help people achieve this goal because the perfect kiss relies on the lips and oral cavity. A couple of the items that lead to the perfect kiss possible are a clean tongue and good toothpaste. 

Another professional who can help someone achieve the perfect kiss is an orofacial myofunctional therapist, which I am. People may not even realize that a kiss involves nasal breathing and an agile tongue. 

I certainly don’t want anyone to overthink their perfect kiss. But by routinely visiting a dental professional, and in some cases, an orofacial myofunctional therapist, you’ll maintain good oral health and be prepared for that perfect kiss at all times. 

Read my complete blog post on what makes that perfect kiss. Your patients will love my ideas also.

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Barbara Tritz is a biological dental hygienist and orofacial myofunctional therapist whose blog, Queen of Dental Hygieneprovides patients the information they need to help them on their healing journey. “Our one-hour appointment time was just not long enough to share all the many important facts I wanted our patients to learn. Dental hygiene is about so much more than just teaching brushing and flossing," says Barbara. “We are healers, educators, and lifesavers, and we need to give our patients the tools and skills to empower them to true wellness and health.”

Look for more of Barbara's posts excerpted and shared on RDH.

About the Author

Barbara Tritz, MSB, BSDATE, BRDH

Barbara Tritz, MSB, BSDATE, BRDH, is a practicing biological dental hygienist at Green City Dental in Edmonds, Washington. She is the owner of Washington Oral Wellness in Kirkland, Washington, where she practices orofacial myofunctional therapy. She completed her accreditation in biological dental hygiene through the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and is laser certified through the Academy of Laser Dentistry. In 2019 Barbara received the HuFriedy-American Dental Hygienist Association Master Clinician Award. Barbara can be contacted at barbaratritz@gmail.com.