Selective Polishing: An Approach to Comprehensive Polishing

Sept. 20, 2016

A Peer-Reviewed Publication Written by Trish Jones, RDH, BS


Polishing has been an integral part of dental hygiene care since the beginning of the profession. As technology and services have evolved in dentistry, so has the approach to the polishing protocol. This course reviews the history of polishing, the current thinking on polishing, components of prophylaxis pastes, how prophylaxis pastes work, supplemental additives to prophylaxis pastes, and methods to educate patients on this topic.

Educational Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:

1. Identify the differences between polishing and selective polishing, and identify criteria for selective polishing
2. Compare abrasives that are used for polishing
3. Distinguish polishing variables that affect how teeth are polished
4. Review evidence-based information to identify the best polishing agents for patients
5. Educate patients using proper verbal skills in order to build value in the polishing protocol

To view the entire course, click here.