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Industry news from the editorial staff at Proofs magazine, a PennWell publication

May 1, 2007
GC Corporation in Japan introduced the first phase of its new research and development building in a Feb. 8 ceremony in Tokyo.

GC Corporation unveils new facility

GC Corporation in Japan introduced the first phase of its new research and development building in a Feb. 8 ceremony in Tokyo. GC is the parent company of GC America, which distributes Saliva-Check and MI paste, among other dental products to American dental hygienists.

GC was established in 1921. In 1959, in the chaos of postwar Japan, GC constructed the original R&D Building. Since then, GC has been pushing forward the second stage of expansion and modernization of facilities. In 2004, the company began preparations for its upcoming 90th anniversary by developing “five missions” under the company’s Vision 2010 program.

Makoto Nakao, president & CEO of GC Corporation, defined “creative space” as based on a “communication loop” emphasized by others in the scientific research community. He said the researchers would be encouraged to communicate freely, according to the design of the new GC facility.

Team Biotene joins Los Angeles charity marathon

Along with over 20,629 entrants, 1500 volunteers and a 26.2 mile course to conquer, 20 members of Team Biotene walked, biked, and ran their way toward the finish line of Los Angeles’ 22nd Marathon!

The Laclede employees (the company manufactures Biotene and Oral Balance Dry Mouth products) endured months of rigorous training to help raise money and increase awareness for over 50 local and national charitable organizations.

Laclede employees participate in Los Angeles marathon.

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During the three-day event on March 2-4, which featured a health expo, Team Biotene distributed more than 75,000 Biotene sample packs to thousands of participants.

Team Biotene member Dale Lauterback said, “It’s great to be with thousands of other people all trying to make it to the finish while supporting their charities. And, it was a blast biking through the streets of LA seeing people chewing packs of Biotene Gum!”

The Los Angeles Marathon raised more than $17 million. For more information about Biotene products or additional events sponsored by Team Biotene, visit

Hu-Friedy to assist Mother’s Day Empower race

Hu-Friedy recently announced its participation in the Y-ME Mother’s Day Race to Empower 2007, pledging a goal to raise $10,000 in donations.

Hu-Friedy and the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization (Y-ME), a Chicago-based national nonprofit organization with the mission to ensure, through information, empowerment and peer support, that no one faces breast cancer alone, formed a special bond in the fall of 2006 when Hu-Friedy created a special periodontal promotion, “Inspired by You,” focused directly towards dental professionals.

On Mother’s Day morning in downtown Chicago’s beautiful Grant Park, more than 75 Hu-Friedy runners/walkers will be lacing up their shoes to participate in the race. Seven Hu-Friedy teams, each headed by a designated team captain, will represent the company on race day. The teams consist of Hu-Friedy employees, family members/friends, and industry colleagues.

A webpage for Hu-Friedy’s team is featured at The webpage provides a brief history of Hu-Friedy’s involvement with the Y-ME organization and includes photos from Hu-Friedy’s internal Valentine’s Day race kickoff. Anyone who visits the page and wishes to sign up as a member of the Hu-Friedy race team is encouraged to do so. Hu-Friedy asks those individuals interested to register under the Hu-Friedy team “You & Hu,” created specifically for industry colleagues.

The weeks prior to the race were be filled with spirited companywide events at Hu-Friedy, including a special T-shirt design contest (the winning design will be worn on race day by the entire Hu-Friedy team), raffles and bake sales. Hu-Friedy is proud to be participating in the Y-ME Race to Empower and is anxious to cross the finish line together in support of women affected by breast cancer everywhere.

For more information on the Y-Me organization and the Race to Empower visit: