What sets Deb Carrier's CPR recertification program apart from all the others? I had a chat with her to find out, and there's a lot!
For one, her company, CPR Sisters, is owned by a dental professional as Deb is a dental hygienist. She gets it, all the dental office craziness. Deb's seen it over and over—the end-of-the-day CPR staff recertification is scheduled, the exhausted team files in for a boring evening of repetitive training and pizza for dinner, and then they go through the motions to get the chore out of the way.
What if there was another way? Deb and her business partner, Darla Miller, founded CPR sisters 25 years ago, but when COVID came along, they had to rethink their business model. Remote CPR training was born, and it not only works, it's a huge success.
The many advantages of remote CPR training include allowing dental professionals the opportunity to study, train, and take the recertification at their own pace and with confidence, including the hands-on portion. There's more one-on-one time with the CPR Sisters team than with other CPR recertification instructors, and those who take CPR Sisters courses have nothing but good things to say.
And if you recognize her name, Deb is also known for her uniform company, Twice as Nice Uniforms.
Hear how remote CPR recertification works, why it works, and what else Deb and I chat about to find out if CPR Sisters would be a good move for your dental practice.