CaviWipes 2.0, a perfect wipe for 2022

Jan. 19, 2022
Curious what's been upgraded in CaviWipes 2.0? Learn more here—plus get some great tips on how to read disinfectant labels.

In 2022, dental hygienists are facing ongoing pressures from the pandemic and staffing issues. A wipe that helps speed up operatory turnover and keeps everyone safe is an essential. Learn more about how the new CaviWipe 2.0 can help, and get an exclusive discount.

Amber Auger, MPH, RDH, is a practicing dental hygienist and creator of Thrive in the OP. Additionally, she is the editorial director of the RDH Graduate newsletter, host of #AskAmberRDH, the 2019 Sunstar/RDH Award of Distinction recipient, and an international speaker. Amber specializes in the integration of the latest science into practical protocols for chairside implementation, and can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Amber Auger, MPH, RDH

Amber Auger, MPH, RDH, is an international lecturer, 2019 Sunstar/RDH Award of Distinction recipient, and creator of Thrive in the OP and the certified Functional RDH. With more than 24 years in the dental field and practicing hygiene since 2010, Amber empowers professionals through on-demand courses and coaching. She specializes in root-cause soft tissue management, practical protocols, and career development, inspiring clinicians to enhance patient care and achieve career satisfaction. Reach Amber at a[email protected].