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  • Volume 35, Issue 10
  • Volume 35, Issue 10

    Career & Profession

    A scrub for all climates

    Nov. 6, 2015
    Hygienist turns into a fashion designer to add more functionality to uniforms

    Duped Degrees

    Nov. 6, 2015
    Some college degrees will not expedite the desired career transitions
    Patient Care

    Product Report

    Oct. 28, 2015
    O'Nano Oral Solutions recently debuted a new line of ultra-soft toothbrushes for patients with gum disease or sensitive gums. O'Nano designs and forms each individual bristle ...

    More content from Volume 35, Issue 10

    1510rdh 4
    Oral Pathology


    Oct. 28, 2015
    Doreen B. Johnson,RDH, MAEdNaperville, IllinoisAs a student: She is a 1975 graduate from the University of Pittsburgh. "I entered the field of dental hygiene after spending years...
    Patient Care

    How software empowers dental hygiene

    Oct. 28, 2015
    Three ways to increase you success with the practice management software
    1510rdhfrap Psp
    Patient Care

    Embracing Digital Radiography

    Oct. 28, 2015
    The past several years have seen an increase in the number of dental practices that have adopted digital radiography.
    1510rdhckel Osap Logo Vf
    Infection Control

    Finding Answers in Infection Control

    Oct. 28, 2015
    I love IKEA. It is a great place to get furniture and accessories for college students, those just starting out, or those who have lived some place forever and want to update ...

    Incorporating Essential Oils into Clinical Dentistry

    Oct. 28, 2015
    When dental hygienists hear the words "essential oils," over-the-counter antimicrobial mouthrinses might come to mind.
    Oral Pathology

    White sponge nevus

    Oct. 28, 2015
    White sponge nevus is a disease component of a group of inherited diseases that produce a white, bilateral, keratinized appearance typically appearing on the buccal mucosa.
    Oral Pathology

    Finding the Right Prevention Fit

    Oct. 28, 2015
    Is it time to reevaluate your one-size-fits-all approach?
    Patient Care

    The big perio picture

    Oct. 28, 2015
    Probing beyond the numbers leaves you fully engaged in the treatment plot
    Port Jefferson Library Author Fair Elisa Koopmans 472

    Adding a niche or two to the life of a hygienist

    Oct. 28, 2015
    Author of 'Perceived Threat' novel explains the journey that started as a dental hygienist
    Career & Profession

    First impressions matter

    Oct. 28, 2015
    You have just one-tenth of a second to make a lasting impression
    Career & Profession

    Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Oct. 28, 2015
    The lasting effects of combat could surface in the hygiene operatory
    Career & Profession

    Is this burnout?

    Oct. 28, 2015
    I have been working at the same practice ever since I graduated from hygiene school 13 years ago.
    Career & Profession

    The 60-minute hygiene appointment

    Oct. 28, 2015
    The procedures pile up; time allotted for them doesn't

    Find your collective voice

    Oct. 28, 2015
    How does the dental hygiene profession stand up for sick pay, salary increases, and other job benefits?
    Career & Profession

    Turtle crossing ahead

    Oct. 28, 2015
    The slow-moving turtle bears much in common with dental hygiene. It's not all about speed, you know?
    34106129 © Syda Productions | Dreamstime.com
    Career & Profession

    Your call...

    Oct. 28, 2015
    I recently received an email from a doctor with whom I'd done some consulting seven years ago.
    1510rdh 10
    Career & Profession

    Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month

    Oct. 28, 2015
    October is National Dental Hygiene Month, and this is the time of year when we can be proud of our chosen profession and the impact we have on improving the health of the public...