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  • Volume 33, Issue 6

    Np Dentsplywhitevarnish

    Product Report

    June 6, 2013
    Dentsply Professional recently introduced Nupro White Varnish, which features rapid fluoride release for hypersensitivity relief.

    Oral health tools for tots

    June 5, 2013
    After the recent birth of my first grandchild, I became curious about the latest and greatest oral care products for infants and toddlers. I discovered some cool products that...

    Hydrogen peroxide in dentistry

    June 5, 2013
    When most of us think of hydrogen peroxide, we envision a brown bottle in the medicine cabinet or first aid kit.

    More content from Volume 33, Issue 6


    Lumps and bumps belong in bottles!

    June 4, 2013
    "Lumps and bumps belong in bottles!" Does this sound familiar? Most practitioners remember their original oral pathology course, and the professor using this exact phrase.
    Career & Profession

    Busting dental myths

    June 3, 2013
    We've all had that uncomfortable moment when the way we practice is challenged. Perhaps while sitting in a CE course or maybe it was conversation with that new hygienist and recent...
    Career & Profession

    Comfort care

    June 3, 2013
    Hygienists meet new patients all the time. Our goal is to make them feel welcome, comfortable, and well taken care of.
    Oral Pathology

    Organizing information worthy of safekeeping

    June 3, 2013
    I urge recent graduates and even those further into your careers to manage and collate your dental hygiene knowledge.
    Career & Profession

    Personalized branding

    June 3, 2013
    I envision autonomy with collaboration. I envision compassion with confidence. Today, I envision dental hygienists acknowledging their commonalities while promoting their uniqueness...
    Infection Control

    Infection Control Challenge

    May 31, 2013
    by Nicole Giesey, RDH, BSDH, MSPTEAcross 1. Type of waste that poses a risk to humans (May be disposed of in a red lined box). 3. This term refers to an area that is free from...
    Infection Control

    Trust in clean hands

    May 31, 2013
    With the new super bug carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) emerging, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends hand washing as one of the top defense...