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Chairside Impact: Pac-Dent’s EzAim X-Ray Positioning System

Sept. 23, 2024
Conducting X-rays is an important and routine part of providing holistic dental care. Pac-Dent’s EzAim X-Ray Positioning System can make taking radiographs easier!

Common positioning system woes

If you're a dental professional with clinical practice experience, you know how frustrating taking patient radiographs can be. Finding the necessary equipment can be a real hassle-whether it's a full-mouth series, a set of bitewings, or even a single periapical film. Unfortunately, many dental practices have a shortage of the parts that comprise an X-ray positioning system. Traditional systems include separate sensor holders (for size one and two) and are designed to melt and break during instrument processing over time. Rings and arms can also go missing, which disadvantages clinicians when exposing films.

Due to the cost of replacing these parts, some offices spray or wipe down the parts they have with a disinfectant cleaner between patients. Although this allows for easy accessibility, it may be unsafe; X-ray positioning equipment is classified as semicritical by the CDC and should therefore be heat-sterilized to prevent infection transmission after each use.1

Why not try Pac-Dent?

Luckily, Pac-Dent provides a solution to this common issue with its EzAim X-ray Positioning System. This complete collection of area-specific arms, rings, sensor holders, and bite tabs provides dental practices with an ample supply of the tools needed for a schedule full of patient radiographs, all while maintaining proper infection control.

Completely compatible with an office's existing x-ray positioning systems, the EzAim offers configurations that accommodate bitewing, anterior periapical, posterior periapical, and endodontic imaging. Additionally, all parts are color coded to match positioning systems that clinicians are familiar with. This makes incorporating EzAim into a busy clinical day simple and seamless.

Pac-Dent works smarter, not harder

As opposed to a bulky holder that often cuts into mandibular tori, warps during instrument processing, and breaks completely, the EzAim sensor holders are dynamic and easy to use. Instead of using cumbersome prongs that cradle the X-ray sensor in the holder, EzAim utilizes an adhesive surface that securely attaches the holder to the barrier sleeve of a size one or two sensor. This slimmer, low-profile design improves procedure efficiency and patient comfort. Additionally, these holders are single use, which increases infection control and eliminates wait time for sterilization.

Another item in the EzAim system is the SoftBite tab-a peel-and-stick sensor holder that can be used to obtain bitewing images without any additional parts. The SoftBite features a small bite tab that is cushioned, which prevents it from slipping out of place. The cushion provides added comfort for the patient, allowing them to firmly bite on the tab's soft surface without straining facial muscles or further irritating a painful tooth. Like the EzAim sensor holders, the SoftBite tabs are single-use and employ a slim, adhesive backing that supports the X-ray sensor.

Dental radiographs are essential to providing comprehensive care, but due to the demand, properly maintained positioning equipment can be hard to find. Thankfully, Pac-Dent's EzAim X-ray positioning system is both convenient and affordable. With a simple peel-and-stick, obtaining X-rays can be quick!


  1. Best practices for sterilization in dental settings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May 15, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/dental-infection-control/hcp/dental-ipc-faqs/dental-sterilization.html