Can you help prevent tendinitis?

March 1, 1996
I am writing you in the hopes that you will be willing to help me. I have been a dental hygienist for 14 years now - long enough to have developed tendinitis in my wrist, elbow, and shoulder. I would be happy to hear from other hygienists who have similar problems and what they have done to cope with it.

Dear RDH,

I am writing you in the hopes that you will be willing to help me. I have been a dental hygienist for 14 years now - long enough to have developed tendinitis in my wrist, elbow, and shoulder. I would be happy to hear from other hygienists who have similar problems and what they have done to cope with it.

The pain in my shoulder was enough that I had to quit working several months ago, but the bursitis in my shoulder has not subsided. I have seen pictures of devices that attach to dental chairs that allows a hygienist to rest her arm some while working.

Are they effective? Who can I order them from? Do they just help prevent tendinitis or can they help resolve it after it has developed? What kind of success have other hygienists had in filing a disability claim with their disability insurance company?

I`m struggling through this alone, but I know that tendinitis is a common problem among hygienists, and I would appreciate any advice, support, or shared experiences that they may be willing to share.

Barbara Lee, RDH

P.O. Box 210556

Anchorage, Alaska 99521