Want to join a community? The RDH Community Connection program celebrates dental hygienists making a positive impact through community outreach projects and helping dental professionals...
AI is revolutionizing dentistry by boosting patient care, streamlining workflows, and expanding access to services through advanced tools like diagnostics, machine learning, and...
The GuruNanda Butter on Gums toothbrush, created for patients with sensitive oral conditions, offers ultrasoft bristles that effectively reduce plaque and irritation, making it...
More content from Volume 44, Issue 8 (November/December 2024)
Maintaining dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) is essential for infection control; dental professionals must adhere to strict testing, maintenance, and flushing protocols to ensure...
As a young leader, there are many things to consider to develop a successful career and dental team. It begins with self-awareness and building relationships.
While a mental health disorder and a large area of the body may not seem like they’re related, scientific research has shown that they are. Dental hygienists can educate their...
Dental professionals must be aware of the unique challenges posed by sickle cell disease to ensure safe and effective dental care for patients with this condition.
Linda Raymond / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
A retipped dental instrument may offer a lower-cost option in the short term, yet this reduction in cost may be accompanied with elevated risks to the clinician and the patient...
The Colgate Optic White Professional Take-Home Whitening Kit offers a blend of efficacy, convenience, and patient comfort that distinguishes it as a premier option in the realm...
Learning to work with oral myofunctional disorders can be complex, but there is a solid path you can take to educate yourself and your patients, as you work collaboratively with...
Emerging evidence points toward a dynamic relationship between mental and oral health, where the state of one can influence the trajectory of the other over time. Dental hygienists...
Originally developed as an immunosuppressant, rapamycin is now being studied for its wide-ranging potential in oral health—particularly in treating periodontitis, oral dysbiosis...