RDH Clinical Recognition Program: Judy Carroll, RDH

June 20, 2024
Judy Carroll's dentist sister set her on the path to dental hygiene. She wasn't initially on board, but is glad she took the idea to heart and has loved her career now for 34 years.

After spending 10 years in general practices and "taking every course she could find" at the start of her career, Judy Carroll followed her passion into perio. It was another great decision, following the first one of listening to her sister about a career in dental hygiene.

She then worked for perio practices and took on a whole new role as a periodontal therapist. She started by using the first generation of endoscope in the early 2000s, and by the time the second generation came out she was the perio endoscopic specialist in the practices where she worked.

This is when she pioneered her method, RPE, regenerative periodonal endoscopy. She left the practices shortly after to start her own periodontal therapy clinic, PerioPeak Innovations, where she says she can do more collaborative treatment, including with medical doctors. Judy is also currently in the process of developing an endoscope company.

Listen to what else Judy has done throughout her career and why she loves dental hygiene as she chats with Carol Jahn of WaterPik, and why she is this month's RDH Clinical Recognition honoree.

Nominate yourself or someone you think deserves this recognition today!

About the Author

Carol Jahn, MS, RDH

Carol Jahn, MS, RDH, is the director of professional relations and education for Water Pik, Inc. She may be reached at [email protected].